Climate Action on a Plate across Cambridge for Food for the Planet Festival

This year's Food for the Planet Festival saw community food events, meals, workshops, special offers and fun days out all over Cambridge with a focus on Climate Action on a Plate.

Thank you so much to:

Feedback from visitors to the festival was overwhelmingly positive. Many families loved the food on offer - especially the bean burgers - and recipe kits were popular with families reporting that they were looking forward to trying them at home. Cooking demonstrations also proved popular with attendees saying that they now felt confident to try new ingredients at home.

After an orchard visit by the Brownies, the leader said: “It was amazing to see the children making so many connections between nature and their food and really understanding what our environment means!”

Food and climate, and the Food for the Planet Festival, is a key part of our Gold Food Cambridge campaign. This campaign aims to ensure that the city becomes the third Gold Sustainable Food Place in the UK, following in the footsteps of Brighton and Bristol.

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